哇~!!!我也太久沒來了吧。。。部落格都發酶了。哈哈哈。。也沒辦法。。自從做了攝影師後。我在家的時間就越來越少,更不用說約朋友出去咯。。當然在那裡做了兩個多月。真的讓我學了很多。也讓我看到了什麼是小人。。看到朋友之間背板彼此。看到好多好多啊。。 每次沒有空的我。。還真的覺得好孤單喔~每次休息日時就在家里睡死。哈哈。。好累喔~

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2011 年多兩天就要到了。覺得在2010年發生了好多事。認識新朋友,被朋友出賣,家人的事情等等,覺得事情好多好多,讓我好壓力好難過,可是也感謝我的朋友們,他們的不離不棄的陪伴著我,真的讓我覺得很感動很溫馨。 如果沒有他們,可能我就沒機會寫這文章了。。

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最近覺的老媽很疑神疑鬼。。為什麼? 就假如我跟我朋友出去。 她就會把我拉到房間里,就逼問我。 到底跟誰出去。然後像我老哥的新家的設備。 她就想了很多很多。 弄到我哥夾在老媽跟大嫂的中間。 很難做人。。然後就會發生吵架的狀況。 然後我和老爸就夾在中間。 阻止他們就說沒我們的事。不阻止也不好啊。。 有時真的不想回到家。因為每次都會吵架。。。天啊。。

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piggylaogong 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Today at first happily as is 9/11, 星光演唱會。 Then I around 715 wake up, as the show start at 730. Then when i wake up then find out the show can't watch online... sian..then after that I heard my mum & my brother have some quarrel outside at the living room. So I thinking after a while will be ok...but they quarrel more n more fierce. So i run outside, then realise my da sao stopping them for quarreling and my dad not around...then the next min i heard the door opened. I faster go and open door for my dad and tell him faster stop their quarrel....So finally it stop.. so i went back to my room. At first want to msg to qad. But thinking later then msg lo...then then i go n take my dinner. Again the second part...my brother start the quarrel again...and at that time my dad is in the bathroom. So my dad shouted from inside to call them stop quarreling...Until I cannot take it anymore... I shouted at them and say "are u two enough..everyday keep on quarrel. I also got limit one lo. Want to drive me crazy or leave the house then u 2 happy isit." the next second i go into my room and slam the door. I know they are quite stunned cause they never see me like tat before...

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